Transport networks of the cities of Angers and Brest
RATP Dev wanted to implement service design approaches as part of the operation of the transport networks of the cities of Angers and Brest, with the aim of exploring and identifying new services or adapted facilities to the needs of local territories and meeting users' expectations.
RATP Dev entrusted Yellow Window with a service design mission for each of the cities, which involved in situ observations carried out by a designer and an anthropologist duo, the running of a co-design workshop involving each city's transport users, and then the restitution and translation of the results into tangible proposals.
Following the observations and co-design workshops, Yellow Window, in conjunction with travellers, identified and explored solutions for improving the customer journey and contact points of the transport network (multi-modal signage, static and digital passenger information, development of transport spaces, etc.).
Yellow Window produced a film for each city to enable RATP DEV to communicate the approach to local authorities.